Because Sugar is built on the Linux operating system, development work requires access to a shell. 由于Sugar是构建在Linux操作系统上的,开发工作需要访问一个shell。
The shell remains active, so you can conveniently switch back and forth between Sugar and Bash. shell仍然是活动的,因此可以方便地在Sugar和Bash之间来回切换。
Whether or not sugar or other sweet things substance added into those fresh, dry, frozen, braised, poached and molding molded unshelled poultry eggs, not in shell and yolks, or preserved in another formway. 去壳禽蛋及蛋黄,鲜、干、冻、蒸过或水煮、制成型或用其他方法保藏的不论是否加糖或其他甜物质。
With ascending of branch node, soluble sugar in the shell was increasing. 适期早播减少铃壳及棉籽淀粉的积累。随着果枝的节位上移铃壳内可溶性糖的含量呈增高的趋势;